Markets and Trade
Market Structures and Competition ECO.8A Describe characteristics and give examples of pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. ECO.8B Identify and evaluate ordinances and regulations that apply to the establishment and operation of various types of businesses. ECO.21D Analyze and evaluate the validity of economic information from primary and secondary sources for bias, propaganda, point of view, and frame of reference. ECO.22A Use economic-related terminology correctly. ECO.22C Transfer information from one medium to another, including written to visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate. ECO.22D Create written, oral, and visual presentations of economic information.
International Trade and the Global Economy ECO.3A Apply the concepts of absolute and comparative advantages. ECO.3B Compare the effects of free trade and trade barriers on economic activities, including the benefits and costs of participating in international trade. ECO.3C Analyze the effects of changes in exchange rates on imports and exports. ECO.21A Analyze economic information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions. ECO.21D Analyze and evaluate the validity of economic information from primary and secondary sources for bias, propaganda, point of view, and frame of reference. ECO.21E Evaluate economic data using charts, tables, graphs, and maps ECO.22A Use economic-related terminology correctly