Cotton, Cattle, Railroads, and Westward Expansion
7.1(A)^ identify the major eras in Texas history, describe their defining characteristics, and explain the purpose of dividing the past into eras, including … Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads … 7.6(D) explain the political, economic, and social impact of the agricultural industry and the development of West Texas resulting from the close of the frontier 7.8(B)*^ locate and compare places of importance in Texas in terms of physical and human characteristics such as major cities, waterways, natural and historic landmarks, political and cultural regions, and local points of interest 7.8(C)*^ analyze the effects of physical and human factors such as climate, weather, landforms, irrigation, transportation, and communication on major events in Texas 7.9(A)*^ identify ways in which Texans have adapted to and modified the environment and explain the positive and negative consequences of the modifications 7.11(A)*^explain economic factors and the development of major industries that led to the urbanization of Texas such as transportation, oil and gas, and manufacturing 7.19(C)^ analyze the effects of various scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of Texas such as advancements in the agricultural, energy, medical, computer, and aerospace industries 7.6(A)* identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the factors leading to the expansion of the Texas frontier, the effects of westward expansion on American Indians, the buffalo soldiers, and Quanah Parker 7.6(B) identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the development of the cattle industry from its Spanish beginnings and the cowboy way of life 7.6(C)* identify significant individuals, events, and issues, including the effects of the growth of railroads and the contributions of James Hogg 7.8(A)^ locate and compare the Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, and Coastal Plains regions 7.9(B)^ explain ways in which geographic factors such as the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, the Dust Bowl, limited water resources, and alternative energy sources have affected the political, economic, and social development of Texas 7.10(A)* identify why immigrant groups came to Texas and where they settled 7.12(A) explain the impact of national and international markets on the production of goods and services in Texas, including agriculture … 7.17(B) identify the contributions of Texas leaders such as Lawrence Sullivan “Sul Ross” … 7.18(C)^ identify examples of Spanish influence and the influence of other cultures on Texas such as place names, vocabulary, religion, architecture, food, and the arts 7.19(A)^ compare types and uses of technology, past and present 7.19(D)*^evaluate the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the use of resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land