Exploration and Early Colonization

7.1(A)^ identify the major eras in Texas history, describe their defining characteristics, and explain the purpose of dividing the past into eras, including … Age of Contact; Spanish Colonial … 7.8(C)^ analyze the effects of physical and human factors such as climate, weather, landforms, irrigation, transportation, and communication on major events in Texas 7.9(A)^ identify ways in which Texans have adapted to and modified the environment and explain the positive and negative consequences of the modifications 7.1(B)^ explain the significance of the following dates: 1519, mapping of the Texas coast and first mainland Spanish settlement; 1718, founding of San Antonio … 7.2(B) identify important individuals, events, and issues related to European exploration of Texas such as Alonso Álvarez de Pineda, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, the search for gold, and the conflicting territorial claims between France and Spain 7.2(C) identify important individuals, events, and issues related to European colonization of Texas, including the establishment of Catholic missions, towns, and ranches, and the contributions of individuals such as Fray Damián Massanet, Antonio Margil de Jesús, and Francisco Hidalgo 7.18(C)^ identify examples of Spanish influence and the influence of other cultures on Texas such as place names, vocabulary, religion, architecture, food, and the arts