What is Sociology
Understanding Psychology Book is what is used to guide this pacing.
Chapter 1 will be covered in 4 days.
There are many types of ways to do this.
Warm Up: Day 1 warm-up, the students will read the case study, The exit ticket is to discuss it as a class.
Option 1: Each "lesson" will be done in a days time. The Why do you do what you do can be used for Warm Ups and Exit Tickets or deeper conversation items. The students will take notes, especially over the vocabulary words. They will answer the questions at the end of the lesson under LESSON REVIEW, as well as the Analyzing Primary Sources, Analyzing the Case Study section at the bottom of the page in the book, and the Critical Thinking and Reading Checks throughout the chapter.
Option 2: Day 1, divide the class into 6 groups, each group gets assigned a number 1-3, the number assigned correlates to the lesson they will be studying over the course of 2 days. They will become "Experts" over this content and present on the 3rd day. The other students will take Cornell notes over what they learn. The 4th day is spent writing comparing their own definition of psychology that they wrote on day 1 and if that definition changed after learning what they have learned so far in chapter 1.