Sensation and Perception
Understanding Psychology Book is what is used to guide this pacing.
There should be a LOT of discussion taking place in the classroom over the topics discussed in this chapter.
Day 1: Students will divide and conquer Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. Half of the class will work together on understanding Lesson 1 and the other on understanding Lesson 2. They take 20 min to get through their lesson and answer the questions and record the vocabulary in their notebooks. Each group will choose a spokesperson to take 5 min to explain their lesson to the other half of the class and everyone will record what they need in their notebooks. The exit ticket is that each group who is listening, will ask questions and the rest of the students who are not the spokesperson will answer those questions. Each group is required to ask 10 questions, each person in the group is required to answer a question. If there is anyone who hasn't answered a question the teacher will ask one. This is the exit ticket and a great way for the teacher to do a formative assessment of the knowledge gained from this exercise.
Day 2: Students will study Lesson 3 in their small groups and they will focus in on the Necker Cube image, the image of the two faces looking at one another with the vase in the middle, the image that defies basic geometric laws on page 225, Pop out features on page 226, Shape Constancy on page 227, the diagram on page 228, and the image on page 229. They will be recording the vocabulary terms in the Lesson and answer the questions at the back of the book.
Warm Up Options: Day 1 warm-up, provide the students with illusions that play tricks on their brain. (google images and use ones not used in your book, you can use a simple color blind test. You can put it in canvas, on Lumio, or project it. What do they think? Why does the brain allow this to happen? (use the Stroop Effect, the Disappearing circle, Frasers spiral, the Changing Flag negative afterimage test, and a color blind test. Day 2 warm-up, does subliminal messaging work and is it ethical? The students will look at the image of the queen that turns into an old lady when turned upside down. (you need to google this image)