Altered States of Consciousness

Understanding Psychology Book is what is used to guide this pacing.

There should be a LOT of discussion taking place in the classroom over the topics discussed in this chapter.

Day 1: Students will create a drawing of Freud's Levels of Consciousness in their notebook, they will answer the questions in Lesson 1 and record important material in their notebook. The teacher will then give 5 minutes to the class to read the Readings in Psychology, The Science of "Inception" and have the students discuss what they think about this technology, good or bad, ..dangerous? Just have a class discussion over it. End with a teacher created survey where students just state if they think the technology that Mr. Gallant is using is something that is good, bad, dangerous, both, or IDK.

Day 2: Students will look back at the data from the survey and discuss before taking a new survey, is Hypnosis real, is it safe, & do they think biofeedback is real. They will then pair up and spend 5 min trying the Quick Lab on page 191. The students will then record the vocabulary words through the whole lesson and then answer the Lesson questions on page 191. Students will review the survey data and record it in their notebook.

Day 3: Students will do the warm up, they will review the survey data from the day before and then they will take about 5 min to read the case study on page 192 with their small group and then take about 2 min to discuss the questions with the class aloud. Has their view of biofeedback changed? Students will now do Lesson 3 and record vocabulary, they will create a table in their notebook and record the Drug Category's and Effects on Behavior in their notebook, they will analyze the cartoon on page 196. Students will look at the image on page 197 and discuss whether they think the attempts done through advertisements and programs to get them to not do drugs have worked. While students are doing this they should answer the Lesson 3 Review questions on page 198.

Day 4: The students will take a test over Chapter 5-7 questions at the end of the chapters (you can choose which to add to the exam), BUT you need to include a Punnett Square with a scenario so they can fill out the square, a fill in the blank or label diagram anatomy of the brain regarding lobes, hemispheres, what hemisphere functions like Verbal, Mathematical, Analytic, Nonverbal, Spatial, and Holistic brain functions are pinpointed to, where language acquisition and brain function light up for Hearing words, seeing words, reading words, and generating verbs.

Warm Up Options: Day 1 warm-up, ask the students what they think the purpose of dreams had while asleep are. Day 2 warm-up, ask the students what they think about hypnosis, meditation, and then have them look up what Biofeedback is. Day 3 warm-up, ask the student and how drugs can affect the brain's understanding of reality. Day 4 warm-up, ask the students what their biggest take away was this chapter.

Day 1 Lab-end of chapter: This lab is OPTIONAL for students to do. It is just something you can give them and if they choose to do the lab, they can provide the data recorded as far as how daily activities effect sleep patterns and dreams for them, the students should NOT provide their detailed dreams to the teacher. If the student shares the data you can give them 5 extra credit points on their exam.